Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday

They grow so fast! She is already one! Not completley walking yet but takes some steps to furniture and mommy or daddy. before long she will be talking away.

First Time to the Pool

10 month Addy, at the pool for the first time in June 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Easter 2010

The first picture is Adalyn with Aunt DD, then a family picture with our bunny ears on, then Adalyn's Chuckie picture... she was smiling nd crinkling her nose at the same time, then Adalyn in her Easter dress, and then of course her with her cousin Nathan... all taken on our trio to MD for Easter.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We will be in Maryland for Easter! I can't wait to see everyone on my side of the family. It will be the first time that my brother and sister-in-law will see Adalyn since she has been born. We are all very excited. However we know that it is a very long road trip and hope that Addy will do well. She is only 8mo but I am thinking that because she does not know the concept of the freedom of walking it will be much smoother than when we go for Christmas this year she will be 17mo then. Wish us luck. LOL.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our heat is finally back on... now that it is like 65 outside. But I guess the nights are still colder. I am so over winter and snow. I am ready for spring, can't wait to get Addy out in the grass; which she has never felt before.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Adalyn went to the doctors to get her poor ears checked again. The doctor says she is perfect...that her lungs and her ears sound and look great. Now if we can just get the guy to come fix our furnance then I will be back in a better mood. LOL. HAve a blessed day!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Here are some of Addy's six month pictures. She was making a really funny face and then I relized that she was (passing gas). We thought it waas so funny we had to get it and would like to share. To cute!!!!!!